Danial, Week 16: Memories of American High

From quarantine to the present, it is hard to believe that our time at high school is almost over. As we are nearing our last year attending American High, I wanted to reflect on the memories I made so far.  

From freshman year in struggling to make new friends to late nights up trying to catch up on assignments the memories I have made in high school will stay with me for the rest of my life. The amazing moments of meeting new people and overcoming various obstacles while developing closer bonds with my friends made my high school experience unforgettable and I will continue to cherish these moments for the rest of my high school years.

Image from Rodan Builders Inc

Out of everything I gained from my high school experience, stepping out of my comfort zone was the most beneficial skill. During middle school, I used to be extremely shy and would attach to one or two friends that I would talk to all day and never address anyone in any of my classes. As I came into high school, however, this began to change due to being in a larger school and I grew more confident in my ability to communicate with others. This personal growth has benefited me in almost every aspect of my life allowing me to express myself freely without fear of being judged.

For the positive growth and amazing memories I have made I will forever be grateful to the people who have supported me throughout high school. With my teacher's and parent’s support I was able to make it this far and I will continue to look forward to making more happy memories in my last year at American High.


  1. Hey Danial,
    It's crazy to think that we're all graduating next year. High school went by so much faster than I ever could have anticipated. After spending eighth grade in quarantine, I was even more nervous to start high school than the average person. I was afraid of fitting in and finding my people. Those fears seem so obsolete now. High school has truly created some of my best and worst memories. I remember jumping around in the mosh pit during homecoming with no worries, and I also remember stressing over my first "B." Like you, I really feel like high school has taught me to step out of my comfort zone. I've had to reach out to peers and teachers alike to get things done, and this had made me more confident as a person. I am so grateful to the amazing teachers that have supported me when I needed it and for the lifelong friends I have made. While I will be sad when we graduate, I also look forward to a new journey in college.

  2. Hi, Danial. The first thing I noticed with the blog was that there was an image of American High School. That image sort of captured the feeling of the new high school student first seeing the school. I could not agree more with your description of the common high school challenges of “struggling to make new friends to late nights up trying to catch up on assignments.” I truly believe that the memories of high school will one of the types of memories that will truly stick to me over the years as an adult. I too will continue to try to make the most out of these experiences and create memories as I go.

  3. Hi Danial, I love the topic of your blog as it is the second last year of high school. I love how you have used personal anecdotes in your blog as it makes your blog more appealing and visual. I love how you started with freshmen year memories, and I started to also recall all my freshmen year memories and the friends I made. I loved how you transitioned into talking about personal growth and your confidence improved. I am happy that you have better self-esteem and have a easier time communicating with new people. Your personal growth shows the pros of having a high school experience, although not everyone has the same story as you. Some people might have faced many challenges fitting into highs cool and I think adding certain challenges about high school in your blog would be a good addition. I am excited for you to make new memories in our last year of high school and hope that you have a good year. Overall, this blog was nostalgic and fun to read.

  4. Hi Danial, mentioning the fact that we are close to our senior year snapped me back to reality. Since we are juniors and the school year is about to end, this is a thought that the majority of our class is thinking about. It felt like we were just freshmen yesterday, and now, most of us are scared and anxious about transitioning to our last year of high school. I also had a hard time making friends during my freshman year because I was new to the district, so I didn't have any friends from middle school to hangout with for the first few weeks. However, even with going to the same school district as one's middle school, many freshmen typically struggle with making friends. By mentioning your experience as a freshman, you give the audience a struggle that they can relate to. I agree, that stepping out of your comfort zone is an important life skill to have. Training yourself to be brave is important, especially in high school, because it can help you grow and explore life and make it as less scary as possible. I really enjoyed your blog, it made me reminisce a lot.


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