Jiya Week 12: Value Yourself First

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What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is how “we value and perceive ourselves.” 

Self-esteem is a necessary characteristic for an individual because of its effect on a person. The power of self-esteem is profound, influencing all aspects of an individual's life from their relationships to their success and overall well-being. When self-esteem is cultivated it will help individuals overcome any challenge and and pursue their goals with confidence.

If you are feeling hopeless, self-esteem helps; if you are discouraging yourself, self-esteem helps. Every negative emotion we feel towards ourselves can be gone through self-esteem. Individuals with a sense of self-worth are confident, good communicators, happy, optimistic, etc. Most important they will never seek validation or worth from other people as they know their value. Their confidence in themselves enables them to overcome any challenge and obstacle ultimately helping them be successful. 

Do you have self-esteem? 

Self-esteem is a crucial characteristic for individuals to gradually foster in themselves. Despite the many positive effects of self-esteem, it has many negative effects as well. I always had high self-esteem, which sometimes does have negative impacts such as being overconfident and overlooking other people's opinions. The worst thing self-esteem can cause is never accepting mistakes as people feel they are incapable of making mistakes, blaming their mistakes on someone or something. I have done this multiple times: if I get something wrong on a test I blame it on the teacher, or if I cannot draw I blame it on the paints. 

Self-esteem needs to have a good balance, having high self-esteem is as dangerous as having low self-esteem. But the right amount of self-esteem can unlock an individual's full potential. 


  1. Hi, Jiya. First of all, the topic of self-esteem is a personally relatable topic and I found that the blog was, at least for me, gave me a resounding message. There were many agreeable points like “Despite the many positive effects of self-esteem, it has many negative effects as well” and “If you are feeling hopeless, self-esteem helps.” The blog shared an encouraging message about self-esteem that emphasized balance between confidence and a sense of humility. Overall, the message about positive affirmation and addressing your negative emotions was a needed blog for the current time and age.

  2. Hi Jiya! By reading your blog, I was able to better understand the importance of self-esteem and how it is something that each individual should have and be aware of. I think self-esteem correlates with confidence as the more someone appreciates and values themselves, the more they will be able to be confident in themselves and their abilities. Therefore, a confident person, as you mentioned, “will never seek validation or worth from other people as they know their value.” Additionally, I liked how you structured your blog in readable paragraphs by first discussing the positives of self-esteem, and then, contrasting that with the negatives of self-esteem. The question that you wrote in the middle of your blog was also a great way to break apart the larger paragraphs and introduce the contrasting perspective on self-esteem. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog and thank you for sharing!


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