Via, Week 15: Do You Remember Our Flipgrids?

Do you remember the Flipgrids we all recorded at the start of the year?

Most will only remember it now because they read the first line of this blog.

High school is a memorable part of every person's identity. It is that point of life where we begin to transition into our adolescence. 

Coming into high school as a freshman was a scary memory for almost everyone. Most of us were frantically trying to find our classes, or trying our best to fit in. 

I remember on my first day of high school, it was hard for me to navigate through this new environment, especially because I had just transferred from a different school district. I recall my first few weeks of high school being horrid, and I constantly worried about not being able to make friends, or about people finding me weird or annoying. 

However, just as freshman year is a time when everyone is still trying to figure out who they are, that is what ALL of high school is about. 

We are constantly changing. My memories of my freshman, sophomore, and even current self are all completely different people. 

What's so great about high school is that after we graduate, we won't remember those awkward moments that we thought would be unforgettable.  

No one is going to remember that time you spilled water all over yourself or the time you walked out of the class during the middle of your presentation, nor will they remember the Flipgrids that we all dreaded recording at the beginning of the year. 

Flipgrid logo.

Most people will forget, but even those who do remember will not see it as an embarrassing memory but as a silly time to look back on. 

Live high school with a positive mindset and make those happy memories instead of dwelling on the bad. It's all trial and error. 

If one friend group doesn't work, find another that will value and understand you. If one class is boring, go find another that best fits your interests. If one sport doesn't make you happy, explore new ones. If one relationship fails, you will always find someone who will want to treat you better.

If one thing doesn't work out, it is always okay to try another. 

While high school may not be all sunshine and rainbows, it also doesn't have to be all clouds and thunder. Allow yourself to make mistakes and reflect back on these memories to become a better version of yourself, and then one day, you will look back at high school as a memory that is worth remembering. 


  1. Hi, Via. In fact I did remember the Flipgrids we recorded(jokes on you, I just recently had to record one for another class). With the banter aside, the blog was beautifully done with its personal tone that carried a sense of expressiveness. The statement “Allow yourself to make mistakes and reflect back on these memories to become a better version of yourself, and then one day, you will look back at high school as a memory that is worth remembering” brought an optimistic message to the blog. Overall, the positive message, reflective nature, and relatable anecdotes created an impactful blog.

  2. Hi Via, to answer your question I do not remember the flip grids and completely forgot about them. As you mentioned I only recalled those Flipgrid videos after reading the first sentence. I loved your sentence about High School being a “memorable” part of an individual and agree with you. I appreciate you sharing your first day of high school experience and the fear of not being able to make friends, especially as you moved from another district. I could definitely relate to this as I barely had any friends coming to high school as I moved from India in seventh grade and the next year was covid. This led me to not have many friends when I started high school. You also provide a counter argument and refute it by mentioning that those moments can be a “silly time” rather than embarrassing. Your optimism to always try new things was appealing to me and I loved how you provide examples of trying new things if one thing fails. Your concluding sentence was well written and summarized the blog. After reading this blog I feel better about people not remembering any of my embarrassing moments in high school.

  3. Hey Via,
    I do indeed remember our Flipgrids from the start of the year. I was recently thinking about it because we only used it twice and never used it again. I really like how you were able to connect something so random like Flipgrid to a greater message. I agree with you that the random memories we find so embarrassing now will probably be a joke in the years to come. When I was in the second grade, I lost my backpack on the first day of school and spent thirty minutes searching for it with my dad as I cried. I was so embarrassed for crying in front of all my classmates then, but now I realize that none of them remember that event but me. I definitely think that as an adult I will be able to look back at all my high school experiences, good and bad, and say they were all worth it. I really appreciate how your write with a positive message every week, and thank you for writing this blog!

  4. Hi Via,
    I remember recording my Flipgrid at the start of the year and wondering how often we would do these types of assignments since I did not enjoy the process at all. I relate to your memories of your freshman year since at that time I was most worried about how I could become "cool" and make friends but I did not realize that being myself was truly the best way to befriend people who had similar interests and passions as me. I completely agree that a positive mindset is important for achieving new friendships and forming strong bonds since being able to move on from a bad friendship is what leads a person toward growth and developing a healthier lifestyle. Recently, I stopped talking to a friend who was extremely a negative source in my life and it has truly helped me grow as a person and develop a much more positive mindset. Finally, I agree that allowing oneself to make mistakes is one of the best ways to grow since without making any mistakes no one would be able to improve and grow from their past selves. Thank you!

  5. Hi Via! I really liked how unique your introduction was as it unlocked a memory of the Flipgrids we made at the beginning of the year which honestly feels like so long ago. I definitely related to the part of your blog when you mentioned your experience of navigating high school during freshman year especially since at the time I was also a new student and did not know anyone. However, afterwards, I liked how you reassured the audience by mentioning how freshman year is not the only time to figure out who you are but the entirety of high school is. I know often I find myself feeling that I have to have my entire life figured out by junior and senior year, however, reading your blog served as a good reminder that we don’t have to figure everything out in these four years. Additionally, I liked how you used the analogy of how high school “may not be all sunshine and rainbows” but “it also doesn’t have to be all clouds and thunder.” I think this perfectly encapsulates how even though it is ok to make mistakes in high school, we shouldn’t dwell on them, and instead learn our lessons and move on. It is more important to try to focus on the happy memories of high school which is what we will cherish when looking back a couple years from now. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog and thank you for sharing!


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