Pranay, Week 15: Memories by Maroon 5

"Here's to the ones that we got." That's the first line of the song "Memories" by Maroon 5. 

I remember listening to this song for the first time in October of 2019. It instantly became my favorite song, and I always begged my parents to play it on the speakers whenever we got in the car. At the time, I was too young to understand the message of the song; I simply recognized that Adam Levine was remembering someone he once loved, and I simply loved the way the song comforted me. I recently learned that the song was dedicated to his close friend and Maroon 5's manager who passed away. 

image of Adam Levine from The New Yorker
As I was thinking about a blog to write this week about memories, I racked my mind for ideas. And I thought of the song "Memories", which in a way has provided me some of my fondest memories. I remember singing this song with my sister on a late Saturday night as my parents drove us to McDonald's to get milkshakes. It's been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember.

To me, the song represents being able to separate the good memories from the bad. Take a friendship for example: You are best friends with someone since kindergarten until they are suddenly forced to move in the sixth grade. Even though you try to maintain the friendship, the distance slowly brings you apart. Instead of dwelling on your lost friendship, you should cherish the memories you made and allow it to help you grow. 

Listening to "Memories" again after so many years encouraged me to hold onto my memories and use them to find comfort no matter how my life changes. When I'm feeling lost or confused, I know I can use my past experiences to find solace.


  1. Hi Pranay! I really like how you started off your blog with song lyrics by Maroon 5, it really sets up what your blog is going to be about. By adding personal anecdotes, I was able to understand the connection you have with this song. A lot of songs hold an impact on their listeners, teaching them valuable messages that will help them navigate life. I like how you mentioned how your younger self only understood a surface-level message of the song, but how as you got older, you finally understood the deeper meaning of it. It shows how our thought process matures overtime and how some things are more than what they seem. I found your blog to be a very unique tie between memory and music! Overall, your blog was very organized and appealing to read.

  2. Hi Pranay,
    I enjoyed the start of your blog since you grabbed my attention with the first lyric of the Maroon 5 song. I also remember listening to songs when I was younger and being unable to understand the meaning behind them. Now that I reflect on it, I also listened to songs with inappropriate themes for a six year old but I loved them anyway for their rhythm and flow. I can relate to your tradition of singing older songs with your family. I cherish my memories of singing old Iranian pop songs with my family in our car. I appreciated your example of cherishing memories with past friendships. While I do miss my old friends, I understand that dwelling on the past will do nothing to help my feelings but moving forward and making new friends are what will help me grow as a person and achieve satisfaction. Finally, I loved how you referenced the song one last time at the end of your blog since it helped emphasize the blog's theme and reminded me that I could use my own memories to help me relax and tackle any problem I face with my past knowledge and expertise.


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