Jiya Week 14: Haunting Memories


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This blog is dedicated to my grandma.

“I wanna put you in the past 'cause I'm traumatized

But you're not letting me do that”

Tonight I truly understood the song Memories by Conan Gray.

Recently two of my family members passed away and now I feel as if I am being haunted by the memories. Sometimes I wish all these memories would go away, along with the dead person, but then I realize I would not want to remember all my lovely memories with my grandma. I want to cherish the moments spent together, the aroma of her cooking, the shared laughter over TV shows, and the comfort she offered in times of need. However, alongside these cherished recollections, there are also regrets I have: moments when I would be angry at her, the words I never got to say to her, and the actions I wish I could undo.

In the night, these memories haunt me but among these overwhelming memories, the good memories come to my rescue. They serve as a bridge between the past and the present, connecting us to those we have loved and lost.

Memories are like souvenirs, it's the only thing left when someone disappears from your life, and they are precious reminders of the souls who we love. It is important to cherish those memories rather than try to run away from them like I did once my grandma passed away. Memories are crucial to help us remember the different people who come into our lives and leave.

They remind us of the good and the bad times. Sometimes the bad things want to be forgotten about but it is all part of life. 

I am still haunted by my grandma's memories but I choose to embrace the memories of my grandmother rather than “[putting her] in the past” – the good and the bad, the joy and the sorrow, and find peace in the richness of our shared history.


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