Via, Week 13: The Path to Memories

Memories can be something we hold dearly. Sometimes, we become so obsessed with these memories that they deteriorate us.

We hold fond memories with our family, friends, and lovers. Not only do we have memories of people, but also animals, places, and objects. 

We may always look back at these memories. 

The hilarious people you laughed so hard with that you felt like you'd almost pee your pants, the place where your father would take you out for breakfast when you were little, or the stuffed animal you couldn't sleep without at night.

Associations like these are things humans can't help but look back at because of the warm feelings it gives us.

However, bad memories also exist in our lives, like the people who snickered when you froze during your presentation, the chemistry lab you dreaded going to every day at school, or the hoodie your ex-lover had given you. 

Memories are bittersweet; they can either uplift or overtake us. 

Whether good or bad, memories play a significant role in shaping us into the people we are. We can either embrace the good memories and acknowledge the bad or fixate on the painful times and allow them to dampen our souls

we tend to reminisce on unpleasant memories more than pleasant ones. It is only natural since we are human. We focus more on the bad than the good due to our evolutionary perspective programmed in us. The negative emotions surrounding these memories are more vivid than the positive, causing us to constantly reflect back on them.

Choose wisely how you deal with these memories so that you live life to the fullest. 

I like to keep memorable items in a memory box, both negative and positive.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Via,
    Firstly, I enjoyed your bolding and increased font in your introductory sentence since it helped emphasize that becoming obsessed with memories leads to depression and an immense desire to return to the past. Additionally, I appreciated your mostly one-sentence paragraphs since they helped emphasize the most important points throughout your blog and made it much more enjoyable to read and understand.

    I agree that memories have a powerful impact since almost all of our decisions and choices are dictated by our memories of past events and responses based on those choices. Due to this powerful impact, I feel obsession over bad memories leads to depression and a powerful longing for the past which prevents individuals from truly living in the present. Additionally, an obsession over bad memories leads to a poor self-image, since perception of memory is connected with how an individual perceives themself as you discussed in your blog. Finally, I agree with your message to the audience informing them to contemplate how they interpret their memories due to memory’s ability to have a massive impact on an individual’s perception of both themself and their current life.

  3. Hi Via, I loved how you bolded the first statement at the start as it made the statement more powerful. This quote really stood out to me as it is true that occasionally we become obsessed with certain emotions, hoping we can relive them that eventually it “deteriorates” us. I could also relate to this quote as I sometimes overthink certain memories. Many of the memories that we make are with our loved ones which can sometimes also be about objects. I have many memories with some of my things and I always look back at them hoping I can relive that moment. I loved the example you gave to explain certain memories. I loved the next statement about memories thieving a warm feeling as that is the most accurate sentence. I like how you transitioned into explaining about bad memories and how they can creep up upon us occasionally. Your mentions about good memories and bad memories are in a good balance to show how memories are “bittersweet”. Memories shape us as a person and have a lasting impact on us where we can choose if we want to remember our happy memories and learn from our bad memories. I do reflect a lot on my bad memories, so I do not repeat the same mistakes, which causes me to be sad but as you said it is human nature to do so. I loved your ending about choosing wisely on how to reflect memories and overall, the blog was unique and well written which effectively illustrates the impact of memories on us.

  4. Hey Via, I really like how you structured your blog. The enlargement and boldening of your first sentence helped emphasize the detrimental effect of holding onto memories too tightly. The past is what shapes us, but the present is what defines us. We cannot allow memories to hold us back because we are afraid of what is to come. I myself have often struggled with letting go of certain memories. While it is painful to do so, it is equally important to do so as this is what allows us to move forward. Just because something was once good does not mean it will ever be good again, and this realization is something that I feel every person comes to at some point in their life. I like how you leave it up to the reader whether they want to take your warning or not. It puts the reader in charge and motivates them to do better for themselves. Thank you for writing this blog!

  5. Hi Via! I really like how you formatted your blog by having multiple smaller paragraphs and many font variations. By bolding the text at the start of your blog, you were able to capture the attention of the audience and allow them to recognize the central claim of your writing. Additionally, throughout your writing, I noticed that you specifically italicized some words or phrases which, again, emphasizes certain aspects. I also agree with you on how memories are bittersweet. We often reminisce on good memories especially those filled with family and friends. However, there are also other memories which bring back negative emotions like anger, embarrassment, or sadness. Like you mentioned, as humans we often only focus on the bad memories, however, I think it is important to learn from those experiences instead of dwelling on them. I really like the last sentence of your blog which sums up your writing and advises the audience to deal with their memories in a wise manner. Overall, I really enjoyed your blog and thank you for sharing!


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