Jiya Week13: Past, Present, Future

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Memories should be forgotten. 

Having the ability to recall memories, to think about our past should be forbidden.

Every time I am trying to make a life-changing decision my memories flash before my eyes

making me conscious and unable to make a good decision for my future progress.

Memories frighten me as I keep overthinking about my mistakes in the past which then affects my

decisions in the present and all this leads me to have a bad future. 

The notion of forgetting memories is tempting, especially when confronted with the haunting

specter of past mistakes. But, it is impractical and takes away the richness of human experience.

Instead, we should have a different approach towards memories.

Our memories are invaluable for teaching us life lessons from our past, guiding us toward wiser

life choices. For instance, the memory of failing a test because of not studying will teach you to

study next time. Memories are the best teachers. 

However, there is a darker side to our memories, as it reminds us of our regrets and trauma,

which snatched our present happiness. These memories can cause us to doubt ourselves, paralyze us

with fear, and take away joyful opportunities. As a kid I broke my arm by playing, this memory of a

fracture had a great impact on my current choices of always avoiding basketball.

I started to fear basketball, a sport that I previously loved. These negative memories should be

forgotten or we can embrace our past and try to learn from it rather than it trying to stop us from

living our life to the fullest. 

Memories are good and bad. Sometimes they teach us and sometimes they snatch away our joy. 


  1. Hi, Jiya. Is it just me, or is the text going off screen for me? It might just be on my end, but the text seems to not have a right boundary. Anyways, that won’t stop me. The first (well second if you count the formatting) thing I noticed was your interesting introduction. “Memories should be forgotten.” It seems a bit abrupt, but I suppose that occurs since that is the case with a lot of memories if you think about it. However, the blog turned into an analysis of the pros and cons of memories, something more unique than the previous blogs I had read. For example, you described the “darker side to our memories” and noted “Our memories are invaluable for teaching us life lessons from our past.” Both perspectives painted a fairer picture to judge memories, which I liked.

  2. Hi Jiya! I liked how you explained why memories should be forgotten, but also acknowledged how they can turn us into stronger people. Memories are a valuable part of ourselves, shaping us into the people we are. I like how you inserted your own personal experiences with being able to recall memories, it shows the difficulties of remembering bad experiences and how it can get in the way of our decision-making. You give insight on the pros and cons of remembering bad experiences, and how it can "remind us of regret and trauma" or teach us a lesson. Either way, it can be proven that memories have a huge impact on us.

  3. Hey Jiya, I really like how you started your blog with a really controversial statement. It immediately caught my attention and prompted me to read your blog. Forgetting my memories sounds like a scary thing. They are what have made me into the person I am today, through experiences and hardship. Some memories may be hard to face, but I believe that coming to terms with them and moving on is better than fully removing them from our minds. I agree that our memories are valuable lessons. Thank you for writing this blog!


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