Danial, Week 13: Nostalgic Memories
“ We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.” - Carson McCullers Nostalgia impacts human life daily by reminding us of our happy memories which motivate us to continue living and achieve our goals. However, spending all your time dwelling on nostalgia retracts from these benefits since it leads to loneliness and depression. Contrary to what McCullers stated, I feel nostalgia for old memories and a desire to develop new memories are not completely split apart since it is these happy old memories that fuel one’s desire to make more memories that bring one joy. While nostalgia does not affect my life daily, I do find myself occasionally reminiscing on the past. Whether it was a video game I used to play or a funny memory I had with a friend I do not talk to anymore, I reflect on these memories when reminded of them and they bring me happiness while making me desire to ex...