Via Week 12: Makeup

 Blush. Concealer. Eyeliner. Fake eyelashes. Beauty blenders and brushes.

These are all makeup items in front of me, each having a special significance. Blush to brighten my face, concealer to hide my dark circles, eyeliner to enhance my eye shape, and beauty blenders and brushes to evenly spread my makeup throughout my face—all making me feel pretty and better about myself.

Makeup does not only transform the way you look but also the way you feel about yourself. While it can boost the confidence for a person, it can also make one's self-confidence feel low without it. For some individuals, makeup is just a fun hobby, but for others, it is something they rely on to feel like their best version of themselves. Makeup is powerful in many ways. It can give a person a sense of identity while also taking their original sense of identity away from them, but this varies from person to person. 

For me, makeup is a valuable aspect of my life. Taking the extra 60 minutes every morning before school to apply my makeup is worth it because it is heavily embedded into my life. Although it plays a part in my self-confidence, it is also enjoyable to just take the time out of my day to put it on, even finding myself practicing makeup looks in the middle of the night for the fun of it. Discovering new makeup looks to attempt and master fills my boresome days with entertainment, giving me the leisure a book nor phone can fulfill.

Yet some people see it as less than that. 

"One swipe and it's over."

A makeup trend on TikTok, which originally mocked those who use makeup; implying that they are nothing without their makeup.

This phrase perfectly demonstrates why people feel have low esteem without it. 

However, many TikTok users have been using this trend to demolish these attitudes, swiping off their makeup to prove that beauty is more than what catches the eye. 

There are pros and cons to makeup, but nonetheless, everyone is perfect no matter what. Beauty is just a concept. 

Whether it's with or without it, you are a beautiful human being.


  1. Hi Via, I loved the start of your blog by mentioning some of the examples of makeup. I also loved how you used imagery to specify how you use these makeup products on yourself. I agree with your statement about makeup transforming how we feel. You explained the benefits of makeup by improving self-confidence, but you also mention the negative impacts it has by taking away one's true identity. I was surprised to read about how everyone has different reasons to put on makeup you mentioned people have makeup as a hobby or to improve self-esteem. I loved that you mentioned your reason for putting on makeup and I can relate to it. Although I do not apply makeup to school every day as I am lazy, I do apply makeup at home just for fun and to try on new makeup looks, as you mentioned. Many people always assume we put on makeup because we are insecure but in reality, we only do it because of it is fun and takes away boredom. I also saw this trend in TikTok, it was a sad trend, but I liked how you showcased users using this trend to demolish the stereotypes for putting makeup. Overall, I loved reading your blog because I could relate to it and it was well written.

  2. Hi Via! I really enjoyed reading your blog especially as I could relate to some of the things you mentioned. I also enjoy putting on makeup as not only does it enhance my self-confidence but it's also just fun to do! The various examples of makeup products you mentioned at the beginning of your blog was a great way to introduce the topic you wrote about. In the third paragraph, a sentence that I think perfectly encapsulated the power of makeup is when you mentioned how makeup can “give a person a sense of identity while also taking their original sense of identity away from them.” This goes to show that makeup can truly change how not only others view someone but also how someone views themselves based on how and why they use makeup. Additionally, I appreciate how you structured your blog in small paragraphs with some paragraphs only being a sentence long. This allows for your blog to be easily readable and it also draws the attention of the reader to specific ideas and concepts. Thank you for sharing!


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