Via Week 11: Everyone Needs Their Backbone

Earlier in the school year during my anatomy class, we had to memorize the body parts of the human skeleton. The hardest part of the body for me to memorize was the backbone. It took me many weeks and even a test retake for me to fully memorize the backbone of a human. However, it held a significant meaning to me. Reflecting on this learning process has reminded me of something deeper than anatomy. 

Our backbone is an essential part of our body because, without it, it would be challenging to live. 

My backbone is valuable to me. I would not be able to keep myself upright without my backbone. I would not have the support that I need to live.

This blog is not about the parts of the body.


After my anatomy class, I was strangely reminded of the bliss of being in a friendship. Friendship doesn't particularly mean talking every single day, nor does it mean buying each other presents for every single holiday. 

Friendships are powerful in the sense that there will always be unconditional love no matter what. It provides a sense of stability that can be helpful to anyone. The power of friendship is intimidating because it can empower people so much that they'll want to be the best versions of themselves. Having that person who you know will always have your back is important because we are simply just human.

It's hard for us to navigate through life without the guidance of someone else, and it is hard to get through life's challenges without the support of someone else as well. Just like the backbone which is composed of smaller parts of the body, we are composed of the love and support of the people who care most about us.

Ultimately, I feel like this meaning of friendship is more powerful than any other. 


  1. Hi Via, I am also currently taking anatomy and like you I also struggled in memorizing the backbone was one of the hardest topics this year. I liked how you opened up with a personal experience and explained how this helped you come up with the topic for this blog. The backbone is one of the most crucial parts of our body, as it helps us do everything. I liked your transition from the backbone to talking about friendship. You also explain the stereotypes people have for friendships and describe the true meaning behind friendships. Friendship is a powerful relationship, and it portrays “unconditional love.” I love all my friends; I would do anything to help and support them. I loved when you mentioned friends being there for each other. Friends help people go through hard times and guide them as well. From my personal experience, finding a good friend these days is challenging, not impossible, because everyone is so involved in their lives, and they don't have time for other people. I have had one best friend since first grade and I cannot imagine losing her, which shows me the power of friendship. I loved how you connected backbone to friendship. Overall, your blog was well organized with a unique and emotional topic.

  2. Hi Via. I noticed the way you started the blog with a personal experience that created a warm atmosphere to introduce the blog. The following main section of the blog detailing your message was smoothly transitioned with the double meaning of backbone in those two contexts. This was a nice choice and the allegory of the backbone created a understandable relationship between the two ideas. By fully utilizing the metaphor like in the line “Just like the backbone which is composed of smaller parts of the body, we are composed of the love and support of the people who care most about us,” you explain the ideas of the “power of friendship” in a graspable manner. All in all, the blog carries a powerful and uplifting message that is reinforced by the choice of using the “backbone” symbol and tone of the blog.

  3. Hi Via,

    In this quarter of blog posts centered on power and language, I’ve noticed that you’ve focused yourself on power dynamics between people rather than wealth or social media like the rest of us. Through this, I’ve been able to imply that you’re a very empathetic person, and I look forward to reading your blogs every week as they provide me with a new perspective on my own relationships.

    I really like how you connected an essential part of the human body to an essential part of the human experience: friendship. I do not know if you did this on purpose, but you talked about how you struggled with understanding the anatomy of the backbone. Similarly, people struggle with understanding the complexities of friendships. This detail made your comparison even more relatable. I agree with you that friendship is one of the most important powers. Thank you for writing this blog!

  4. Hi Via! I found it really interesting how you connected something you learned from your anatomy class to friendships, an integral part of being a human. Initially, I noticed how you defined “backbone” in two different ways. The first definition being the literal and physical backbone that is a critical part of our bodies and is necessary for us to function properly. The second definition of “backbone” is more metaphorical referring to the various love and support we get from our friendships and relationships that allow us to, as you mentioned, “get through life’s challenges.” Although, I have not thought about this metaphorical definition of “backbone” before, I completely agree with you on the importance and power of friendships in our lives. There are many different types of friendships including ones that you talk to everyday while others that you maybe see only once or twice a year. Either way, both of these types of friendships are still powerful and a source of support, inspiration, and happiness. Overall, I enjoyed reading your blog and thank you for sharing!


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