Sanika Week 12: Power of Perspective

Power of Perspective

“Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it” as said by Irving Berlin. In other words, your perspective matters a great deal in most, if not all, aspects of your life.

Perspective is defined as “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something” (Oxford Languages). Everyone has their own perspectives that likely differentiate from most people due to having various values, cultures, and personal experiences. However, our perspectives are one of the only things that we have control over regardless of any situation.

By having power over our perspectives we can control our thoughts, feelings, and reactions to certain circumstances. For instance, if an individual applied for a job position that they did not receive, it does not always have to be a negative thing. In fact, it is a better idea to change perspectives and look at that situation in a positive light in hopes of something better coming. Having more positive outlooks can lead to less stress, anxiety, and disappointment over things that didn’t work out in the past which leads to being able to pay attention and focus more on the present and future.

However, not only are our own perspectives important but there is value in others’ perspectives as well. Many times the most significant learning and discoveries occur when “people listen to the varied and unique perspectives of co-workers, fellow students, and other people” (“The Value of Different Perspectives in Professional and Learning Environments”). By listening to others, we can develop empathy and form connections, and increase inclusivity and creativity. Additionally, through hearing others’ points of view, we can expand our thinking and even change our opinion on how we previously viewed something.

Our perspective is how we see the world. It impacts our decisions, relationships, and overall well being depending on if we view them in a positive or negative light. So how do you want to view your world?

The Power of Perspective

Cabrera Lab – “The Power of Perspective


  1. Hi, Sanika. The abstract, philosophical blog topic was an interesting one as it was unlike most of the previous blogs I had read. The blog includes insightful examples into the effects of perspective like “Having more positive outlooks can lead to less stress, anxiety, and disappointment over things that didn’t work out in the past” and “being able to pay attention and focus more on the present and future.” The thoughts flowed well between each other and resonated with me. Another thing about the blog I enjoyed was the final line “So how do you want to view your world?” which left me thinking about this idea.

  2. Hello Sanika! This article is powerful itself as it provides an eye-opening perspective to your readers, encouraging them to value perspective and utilize it to its best potential. You provided meaningful examples, giving a better comprehension of why and how a positive perspective can change your life. Perspective is something I need to work on myself, and the job rejection example really gave me a new way of thinking in life. I also agree that others' perspectives are valuable. Especially in arguments, it is important to try and understand the other person's perspective, or else there can be terrible misunderstandings. The power of perspective should be known by everyone because it can do you a lot of good things in life!

  3. Hey Sanika,
    I found your blog this week especially intriguing because oftentimes in my own blogs I talk about perspective. I like how you started your blog with a quote from Irving Berlin, a famous American composer, about the way we should live our lives. Almost all of life is only bad if you think of it as bad. For example, imagine missing the train and having to wait for the next one. During the time you are waiting, you meet a new person and make a friend. Instead of thinking that you missed your train, you can think positively about the new friend you made. However, perspective can also be affected by social factors like upbringing, environment, and relationships. Depending on the people around you, you may think more positively or negatively. I think it is important to always think positively. Thank you for writing this blog!

  4. Hi Sanika. Perspective can have monumental impacts on your life, and shape the way you live. Having a positive attitude toward your circumstances is crucial for wellbeing. I often try to view my challenges and difficulties as opportunities to grow and mature. Not only is it a way to maintain happiness, it can also be practical. An old Chinese parable tells about a boy, whose horse ran away. While he was dejected, his father told him it could be a good thing. Sometime later the horse returned, with another horse. Overjoyed he now had two horses, the boy began to celebrate. However, while riding the new horse, he fell off it and broke his leg. He was now dismayed, yet the seeming misfortune turned out to be beneficial, as an angry northern tribe, looking for their lost horse attacked his county. All abled body men were forced to go to war and be killed, except for the boy whose leg was broken. The parable teaches us that we often have little understanding of our situation, and having a positive attitude in all circumstances can help us regain control. Henry Ford says, "The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right."


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