Jiya Week 11: Spilling the tea, spreading the rumors.


Gossip is like wildfire—spreads rapidly and with power. 

The person sharing it feels powerful, and if it gets out, others feel powerful too. Gossip makes people feel strong because they think they know something others don't have knowledge about. 

Gossip is everywhere, I am sure there is someone right now telling their friends “Spill the tea.” The reason for knowing the “tea” is to feel powerful. Let's not deny we have all wanted to know about the gossip in the school and ask yourself why you want to know about the gossip, especially if it's not about you. Do you care about the person or just want to hold the knowledge that others don't? 

I just want to know something many are unaware of. Everyone wants to know who is dating whom, who broke up yesterday, who got drunk on a beach, who got suspended from school, who is getting fired, who got into a fight, etc. Everyone wants to know everything about people's lives just to feel gossip's power.  

And of course, like numerous powerful things that have negative effects, gossip is also one of them. Gossip soon turns into lies filled with horrible words. People exaggerate things and add their twist to the gossip just to make it interesting. If someone has a mutual breakup, people can make it seem like one of them was abusive just to make it more engaging for people. People abuse the power of gossip they possess. These lies negatively affect the person whom the gossip is about leading to harmful situations. No one wants rumors about them spreading. 

However, we all love to gossip and we will gossip. 

So spill the tea in the comments.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jiya! You used a fairly relevant topic that would come to interest your audience—us! "Spilling the tea" is quite familiar to all teenagers; primarily our generation. This blog has a confrontational tone to it. It feels as if you are holding us readers accountable for our habits of gossiping. The imagery of fire in your hook created this visual of tremendous fire in my head, pushing your claim that gossip is easily transferred. I agree with your blog, it is so common for people, especially our school, to talk about other people's lives, regardless of whether we are a part of it or not. Gossip could be insightful, but it could also be harmful. Your fourth paragraph lists common topics that most people would be curious about. This makes your blog easily agreeable and shows the audience how authentic your views are. Overall, your blog successfully captured the nature of gossiping, especially the end where you say, "However, we all love to gossip and we will gossip. So spill the tea in the comments," it automatically proves your point.


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