Danial, Week 11: Power in Mindset

"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve."- Mary Kay Ash

Mindset by definition is the established set of attitudes held by someone. By defining our character as an individual, our mindset determines our future through shaping our actions. Because the human mindset is crucial to the functionality of the individual and society as a whole, it is pivotal to develop healthy creative mindsets for humanity’s sustainability.

Positive mindsets create numerous benefits for an individual. Firstly, it directly correlates with a longer lifespan, significantly less stress, and fewer feelings of depression thus improving happiness and enjoyment of life. Furthermore, it leads to increased productivity, focus and concentration, and better communication with others which collectively result in career improvement and progression. Just like how a positive mindset can have numerous benefits, a negative mindset can have numerous dis. advantages.

Maintaining a negative mindset will lead to problems such as limitations preventing individuals from reaching their full potential, such as believing they are incapable of achieving difficult challenges, which eventually spirals into feeling that they are incapable of doing even simple tasks. Furthermore, a negative mindset can lead to bad decision-making, which guides an individual towards drugs and excessive alcohol to distract themselves from reality. Negative mindsets transform individuals into snowballs, gaining additional momentum as they abuse substances, damaging their minds further.

Image from Medium

While obviously, it is impossible to be positive 100% of the time, making efforts to look at things from a different angle at times has immense benefits. Looking at my own problems with a more positive mindset has allowed me to make significant efforts to fix them and make improvements to my lifestyle. Changing my mindset at times refreshes my mind by providing me with a unique perspective to develop solutions, which is why I feel making efforts to develop a healthy mindset is crucial to both strengthening mental health and preventing burnout.


  1. Hi Daniel, I loved how you started with a powerful quote that represented the power of mindset. Mindset helps determine our actions, as you mentioned, illustrating its necessity in an individual. You transition into talking about the importance of developing a creative mindset. You further explain and compare positive mindset and negative mindset. I agree with the benefits of the positive mindsets you mentioned as it helps with focus. I was surprised when I learned how mindset can help with a longer life span as it decreases stress. A negative mindset is the worst to have as an individual with never reached their real ability to achieve something. This mindset also decreases self-esteem, always leading to people making bad choices as you mentioned such as using drugs. This effectively portrayed the power of mindset in an individual as it helps people achieve things but if the mindset is not positive it can end up harming the individual. You referred to your personal experience of having a positive mindset and the good effect it had on your life. I do not always have a good mindset, but I am trying to improve it to have good health. Overall, your blog effectively demonstrates the power of mindset in individuals and gave me a new perspective on mindset.

  2. Hello Danial. To start things off, your blog included the quote as an introduction in a way that conveniently introduced the topic of “mindset.” By setting the stage with that, the following definition felt smoothly incorporated and enhanced the overall feel of the blog. The concrete, scientific examples like the line “longer lifespan, significantly less stress, and fewer feelings of depression thus improving happiness and enjoyment of life” in conjunction with the personal factor such as in the last paragraph “ Looking at my own problems with a more positive mindset has allowed me to make significant efforts to fix them and make improvements to my lifestyle” improved the persuasiveness with the use of logos and ethos. In addition to those choices, these examples were relevant and were explained with clarity. Overall, the blog utilized the evidence and carried a meaningful message.

  3. A positive mindset undoubtedly leads to numerous benefits that often go overlooked. You mentioned longer life-span and decreased stress which has definitely aligned with my personal experiences. Being anxious or worried about events you have no control over can detract from your current situation, for instance regretting a poor choice you made, or being nervous before a big event. Sometimes after school I may forget to do an assignment, or be distracted and not complete a task. Rather then sulking about the assignment I now have to rush during flex, completing the homework quickly can help me avoid the negativity that comes with regret. By shifting my mindset to acknowledge my mistake in hindsight, I now have grown in my experiences and learned to hopefully finish my work earlier. A mindset shift can also help soothe nerves before a large exam. Rather than being anxious over the future result, by focusing my attention on what I can control, which is preparing for the exam, without worrying about the outcome, I can induce a more relaxed state to continue studying. People often worry about events that have already passed, or possible negative future outcomes, but by shifting your perspective to what you can do in the present, the course of action becomes more clear.

  4. Hi Danial,

    I like how you started your blog with a quote from Mary Kay Ash, one of the most successful businesswoman in history. Her success really emphasizes her quote about the importance of a positive mindset. I personally think that having a positive mindset can make a person more powerful.

    I really like how you compare having a negative mindset to a snowball. A negative mindset can result in negative actions that push an individual to commit more and more negative actions until they have turned into an avalanche, hurting themselves and the people around them.

    Being positive all the time is not possible. Everyone has issues, some that nobody may know about. It is important to talk to the trusted people in your life, instead of bottling up anger and resentment. A positive mindset allows me to look at things from different perspectives. If I get a C on a test, I simply think “at least it’s not a F” and study harder for the next time. Thank you for writing this blog!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Danial, I think the quote that you mentioned at the beginning of your blog was a great way to transition into the main topic you chose to write about, mindset. I especially like how you structured your blog with the first paragraph introducing the definition of mindset, and the proceeding paragraphs comparing the impacts of having a positive mindset versus a negative one. Recently, I have also learned a lot about the importance of having a positive mindset and how it can benefit you in the long run by allowing you to learn and accomplish more. Finally, you ended your blog with a conclusion that effectively summed up your thoughts and personal views on mindsets. I found that this format allowed your blog to be easily readable and understandable while effectively getting your ideas across. Overall, I enjoyed reading your blog and thank you for sharing.

  7. Hello Danial! Your blog is truly eye-opening, as it is common for all humans to experience positive mindset issues. By arraying the effects of both positive and negative mindsets, you encourage your audience to pursue the positive mindset. I felt like this blog is highly beneficial, especially for us teens; since we are still struggling to figure out who we are. Harboring a positive mindset can set us in the right direction, helping us reach closer to our dreams, and providing us an easier navigation to life. I appreciate how you concluded your blog with a realistic perspective, "it is impossible to be positive 100% of the time." It is vital to acknowledge this perspective, rather than sugarcoating your message, because it shows how not all humans are perfect; and it is inevitable to not feel negative. Overall, I found your blog to be fairly organized, making it crystal clear that our mindsets can be very powerful.


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