Via Week 10: "Communication Is Key"

Have you ever found yourself worried because you feel like your friend is upset with you, but they won't tell you whether they are or not? Or have you had a disagreement with the person you love because of a misunderstanding? Have you ever been in a situation where it was hard for you to express your true emotions to someone?

Humans experience these situations all the time, it's simply a part of our nature. 

However, that's why we humans need to communicate. 

Humans have come up with many ways to communicate with one another, whether it is verbally speaking, sign language, writing, or even eye contact or body language, they are all useful tools that people use to express their thoughts and feelings. 


People use language to express their anger, sadness, and happiness. It can sprout friendships, enemies, and romance. We need language to do everyday tasks; from ordering food to navigating life. It is so simple for us to communicate with others, so why do we find ourselves unable to do it at times?

Why is it so hard to tell a person what has been on our mind? Why is it so hard to tell a person how we truly feel? Why is it so hard for human beings to express their innermost thoughts and raw emotions?

Fear. Trust issues. Shame. Anxiety. Past experiences.

The list goes on. 

We are not perfect. Sometimes I catch myself distancing myself from other people after they've upset me because it is way "easier" than feeling the shame of expressing how I truly feel. Sometimes I'd rather not speak. "Why should I put in the energy" is a question I often ask myself. 

Many people tend to feel that the worst outcome will come out of communicating, but it's only natural for us, humans, to think about the negatives more than the positives. 

But "communication is key." 

So many friendships, relationships, and families have been ruined due to miscommunication. The most powerful thing a person can do is communicate. Communication fosters understanding between people, builds trust, strengthens connections, provides clarity, and most importantly, resolves conflicts. Sometimes we even find ourselves regretting not communicating with someone special, especially when it is too late. What is so wrong about telling others how you truly feel? We cannot control our emotions, we simply just feel them. Instead of bottling it in, tell them. Everyone deserves to be heard. 


  1. Hi Via,

    Firstly, I appreciate the techniques used in this blog, such as the large font used in the first paragraph which emphasized how relatable it is for us all to be in complex situations where it’s hard to communicate. Additionally, your use of one-sentence paragraphs is skillful in emphasizing key points in your blog to the reader. Finally, your rhetorical questions throughout your blog are useful in making the reader reflect on their own life and how greater communication can improve it.

    I relate to your blog a lot, especially when you discussed whether it's worth it to put in extra energy and effort to express how you truly feel. Sometimes, I don’t feel like expressing my opinion on something I don’t like and I end up regretting it a lot later which I definitely need to work on to become more confident as a person. Your blog made me reflect on all the relationships in my life and how I can improve each of them through communication.

  2. Hey Via,
    I really like the style you used in your blog this week, especially in your introduction. It reminded me of an infomercial one would see on cable TV for a veggie chopper or duct tape. As a human, I think I can speak for everyone when I answer yes to these questions. I really like how you use questions to force your reader to think deeply about the topic you are writing about. Communication is almost never easy. When we're doing something as simple as asking for space or telling a loved one we love them, we take a thousand steps in doing so. I relate to your blog a lot for the same reason as Danial. I've often wondered how much energy a person is worth. Are they worth the same energy that they put into you or more or less? Recently, I've realized that we never really know what a person is going through, and we should always be there for them in case they need us. Thank you for writing this blog.

  3. Hi Via! I found your blog very relatable, and I agree with you on how important communication is in all relationships. I also sometimes struggle with being able to completely voice out my thoughts and feelings to people but as you mentioned “The most powerful thing a person can do is communicate.” Going forward, that is definitely something that I would like to keep in mind especially if I am in a situation where it is important to express my emotions. Additionally, I liked your use of various rhetorical techniques like the questions you asked the audience at the start of your blog which effectively introduced and prompted the reader to think about their communication in their relationships with others. By bolding, italicizing, and having varying font sizes and sentence lengths you were also able to draw the audience’s attention to specific words and ideas. For example, when you stated, “Fear. Trust issues. Shame. Anxiety. Past experiences,” I found it powerful the way you listed each emotion and bolded them. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog and thank you for sharing!


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