Jiya Week 9: Influences of Wealth


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“With great power comes great responsibility,” said Uncle Ben to Peter Parker.

I agree with that statement. 

This powerful statement emphasizes everyone should use their power wisely. This statement is not only applicable to superheroes but also to our daily lives, as power can manifest in various forms. 

A person can easily misuse their power and become corrupt. Power in the wrong hands of a person can lead to many destructive outputs. But if power is used for a good cause it can be beneficial to everyone. Spiderman used his powers to save New York from many bad guys and similarly, many people in our community have used their power to contribute positively to society. Philanthropists such as Warren Buffet and Bill Gates used their wealth to help out in the community. Warren Buffett used his money to help multiple charities and donated “more than $46 billion to charities”.  Bill Gates started his charity, the Bill and Melinda Foundation, which is focused on giving people a healthy and productive life. In addition to his organization, he also “donated more than $50 Billion” to charities. Their actions showcase the positive impact wealth can have on society when it is used with a sense of social responsibility. 

Sadly some people in the past have used their money for the wrong purposes. Jeffery Epstein, whose net worth was about $560 million, used his wealth to start sex trafficking. Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla, used his wealth to commit fraud

Wealth is one of the most dangerous powers. It has the ability to corrupt individuals or be beneficial to society. 

The phrase “with great power comes with great responsibility” resonates not only in the fictional worlds but also in reality. It reminds individuals to use their power with a sense of societal responsibility and wisely.


  1. Hi, Jiya. To begin, the iconic quote “With great power comes great responsibility” from The Amazing Spiderman immediately created a connection as I, and other readers, may have recognized the quote from the famous movie. Another commendable line from the blog was the sentence “Their actions showcase the positive impact wealth can have on society when it is used with a sense of social responsibility” in the context of several examples of billionaires who were philanthropists. In addition, examples like Epstein using “his wealth to start sex trafficking” also successfully illustrate the positive and negative impacts of power. All in all, the engaging introduction, critical analysis, and the relevant examples made for a well-rounded and engaging piece of writing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Jiya, your first line automatically pulled me in and I felt very intrigued by The Amazing Spiderman reference. This quote is one that many can easily recognize due to it being from a popular film in America. This was a powerful way to open your blog because it may connect to the audience's interests in film. I strongly agree with this quote, power can create beneficial or damaging impacts, so one must be careful with how one deals with it. By also including well-known billionaires in America, the audience is, again, familiar with the subject. Through these billionaires, it is easier for the readers to understand the quote in the opener. These examples help demonstrate how power can be used positively and negatively for the world. By illustrating real situations that occurred in our country, you successfully show yourself to be a reliable writer.

  4. Hey Jiya,

    I really like the way you began your blog with such a popularized quote. It immediately made the topic clear to me as I understood the context from my years of loving Spiderman.

    Like you, I agree with that statement. Wealth is a dream for almost everybody as well as one of the greatest powers in the world. And power is limited. That’s why it’s important to monitor who the power of wealth falls into the hands of. I appreciate how you provided an example of a person who used their wealth for good and a person that abused their wealth. While people like Bill Gates use their money for philanthropic purposes, there are not a lot of them. There are more people who abuse their wealth like Jeffery Epstien. There are so many men implicated in his crimes such as Bill Clinton, former President of America. It’s scary to know that a leader of our nature could be involved in such disgusting and horrific crimes. And we’ll never know for sure due to his power and ability to cover up his crimes. It’s important to manage our wealth and not allow it to corrupt us.

    Thank you for writing this blog!

  5. Hi Jiya, you make really good points on the correlation between power and influential abilities, and those with the ability to control more of circumstances have a responsibility to do good with their power. The idea is summarized in the famous quote, "with great power comes great responsibility," from Spider-man. The connection between Spiderman's strength and the choice to follow moral obligations and Billionaires money as a path to be philanthropic is insightful. You also noted that with more power it becomes harder to be lawful, and easier to become corrupt. With Spiderman's strength he had the opportunity to become a thief and would be harder to catch. Your blog overall creates great points of the relationship between power, money, and the responsibilities that come with it.

  6. Hi Jiya. When I saw that we were going to be writing about power for this quarter, I also immediately thought about The Amazing Spiderman quote you introduced your blog with. Similarly to you, I also agree with this quote and would believe that many others do so as well. By opening your blog with this iconic quote, you were likely able to immediately connect with numerous readers as Spiderman is known and loved by many. While reading your blog, I thought it was interesting how you associated power with money as in today’s society it is true that the wealthier you are, the more ability you have to be able to do what you want and influence others. It is amazing to hear how people like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have used their wealth to help thousands of people. On the other hand, it is disappointing to hear of those people who have used their wealth for the wrong purposes. I agree with you about how wealth is “one of the most dangerous powers” as it is truly like a double-edged sword. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for sharing!


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