Jiya Week 10: The Cringy Day of the Year is Back

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 “Some people are worth melting for”(Olaf)

It’s almost Valentine's Day, my least favorite day of the year, not because I don't believe in love but mostly because I don't have anyone to spend that day with. Growing up I held a misconception that Valentine's Day is meant to be celebrated with a girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife. The real purpose of Valentine's Day is to spend it with your loved ones, and love can be categorized as romantic love, friendship love, or family love. While Valentine's Day is cringy, I have come to appreciate it as one of the most powerful days of the year—because love is powerful.

The word "love" may seem simple, but it has much more meaning and power. I have recently noticed many people around me yelling out “I love you”, forgetting the real value and power of the word “love”. Love is not just a verbal expression; every “I love you” comes with certain responsibilities and promises. If you say “I love you” to someone, you are telling them you will always be there for them and/or they can always trust you, etc. 

Love cannot be described in words, but it can be expressed by an individual's actions. If you truly love someone who will go on the most dangerous trip with a total stranger and a talking snowman to make sure your loved one (who almost tried to kill you) is doing just fine, as Anna did for her sister Elsa (Frozen). That's true love. 

Olaf was ready to melt for Anna (Frozen). Jack died for Rose (Titanic). Noah built a mansion for Allie (Notebook). 

Love can make people do crazy things, even if that means crossing one's limits because if they truly love someone they will do it no matter what. 

This is the power love has. 

Sadly, these are all fictional examples but some non-fictional examples of love are Michael Jackson donating millions of dollars to kids' charity, my mom waking up early in the morning to make food for me, and me annoying my sister(this has sisterly love).

Movies do raise expectations for love, overshadowing the genuine hard work and sacrifices many individuals do in real life for us. 

I wish I had noticed the efforts and done the same and much more for them. 

Celebrate Valentine's Day with someone you truly love, Celebrate it with “people who are worth melting for”(Olaf).


  1. Hi Jiya! I was originally going to write my blog about the power of love! Your blog was intriguing and felt engaging, especially with your film references. Frozen, Titanic, and The Notebook are all films that I love so much. Your hook dragged me in fast since Valentine's is seven days away. Hearing about the recent holiday caught my interest right away! It is great that you are writing a topic relevant to the events set for this month! I agree that love is powerful; I would do anything for the ones I love. Your blog flowed so smoothly, that I was reading it without disturbance. Your non-fictional examples were varied. They went from Michael Jackson donating to the children to you expressing your love to your sister by annoying her. Love is definitely a difficult subject to talk about, but there is no denying that it holds a powerful grip on some people.

  2. Hi, Jiya. The quote from Olaf gave the blog a lighthearted touch while also introducing the topic. Also, the quote “ not because I don't believe in love but mostly because I don't have anyone to spend that day with” adds more relatability and authenticity to better connect with the readers with this sort of show of vulnerability. The references to popular culture in the sentence “Olaf was ready to melt for Anna (Frozen). Jack died for Rose (Titanic). Noah built a mansion for Allie (Notebook)” helped illustrate some examples that were relatable. Finally, the closing statement with the same Olaf quote leaves a positive, uplifting conclusion. In summary, the blog was relatable and reflective, adding to the reputability of the message.

  3. Hi Jiya! First off, I loved how you began your blog with a quote from Olaf as it is so wholesome, cute, and definitely made me smile! Similarly to you, I have also noticed the decline in people appreciating the significance of love and saying “I love you.” When I was younger, I also used to think that it was not a huge deal to tell someone, “I love you,” however, overtime I realized that loving someone means so much more than just liking someone at a surface-level. In fact, they are two completely different things. As you mentioned, to love someone requires “certain responsibilities and promises” and it displays what someone is willing to do for someone else. Additionally, I appreciate the various examples you gave in your blog whether they were from movies or your own life about the power of love. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog and there truly are some people out there who are worth melting for!


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