Ethan, Week 10 - Power in Information

Picture a world controlled by the vast amounts of data and information. Visualize this revolutionized society with aspects like the way you live, work, and interact with others all affected by numbers and data. 

Now open your eyes and see the world around you. What I am describing to you is the modern world. 

Fueling scientific discoveries, raw data and the quest for knowledge is what caused the creation of every single technological advancement today. For all intents and purposes, information is the cornerstone of technology. As such, knowledge is a power capable of shaping the entirety of society. Its affects can be seen everywhere and it can be noticed that technology has a hold over a multitude of aspects of our lives. Technology allowed for things like the printing press to exist. Revolutionary inventions were caused by knowledge, and revolutionary inventions created more knowledge. 

Another way information demonstrates its capabilities is in the form of mass media. Mass media has a, well, massive effect on the lives of the masses. Take the example of the Internet. The Internet allows individuals from all the world to connect via their computers and a complicated architecture. Because of this, information on issues that, say, affect the world can be spread around the world and even possibly cause change. Revolutionaries would have have been able to spark revolution without having spread their ideals in the first place. Not only can information in the form of words cause change by spreading awareness and catalyzing action, but also do this: 

You are now breathing and blinking manually. Sorry(not sorry) for including that. As you can notice, even this little bit of information from these seven words can cause a direct, physical effect, albeit not much. 

And on that peculiar note, it is important to know and understand the effects of information in our lives and actively maneuver through the information based world that is modern society.

Source: Image from Wikipedia


  1. Hi Ethan, I love your start of the blog by creating visual images in our head by literally asking us to imagine a certain situation. It was a unique and engaging start. You later mentioned that you were trying to get to imagine the modern world, I did not think it was pretty. You describe the modern world through discoveries and technologies. You later transition into mentioning the power of knowledge. Your definition of knowledge was strong, and I do agree that can shape society. The best part about your blog was when you mentioned the power of knowledge by explaining the need for knowledge to create new things and the new things also provide new knowledge. This gave me a new perspective on knowledge and showed me its importance. You also gave social media as an example to illustrate knowledge power as it allows new information to spread easily. You brilliantly connect this with the idea that revolutions are unable to happen without the spread of knowledge. Your blog had great transitions to effectively help the readers understand the power of knowledge and I also got to have a new perceptive on the power of knowledge.


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