Danial, Week 14: Artificial Intelligence and Memory

Artificial intelligence has been evolving at a rapid rate transforming the job market by gaining abilities and becoming rapidly more similar to humans over time. According to the Oxford dictionary, memory is defined as something remembered from the past or a recollection. So, based on this definition, does artificial intelligence have memories?

One of AI’s greatest abilities is its ability to store information. Because of this, AI is capable of learning from past situations and changing its behavior to prevent a repeat of the same mistake. This ability to reflect on the past and evolve because of it coincides with the definition of memory representing remembering something from the past. Based on the definition of memory, Artificial Intelligence is capable of utilizing memory.

Image from iStock

However, I believe memory is a much deeper concept than a simple recollection of the past. Memory carries emotional attachment. Remembering our loved ones even after they have passed is how their legacy continues to live on and impact us today. These memories do not simply serve as lessons to evolve our character but as recollections of loving moments that bring us happiness and meaning to the lives we live. 

Humans are unique and filled with diverse emotions that construct our will to live and no matter how far artificial intelligence evolves, in the end, it is created by humans through code making it incapable of having its own unique personality and thus, incapable of truly having emotional memory. However, this is only true now and at the rate artificial intelligence is evolving, emotions do not seem extremely far off.


  1. Hi Daniel, I loved the question you asked at the beginning of your paragraph. The question you started with was intriguing making your blog more interesting and fun to read. I loved your reasoning for showing artificial intelligence does have a memory as it can store information. It was interesting that you mentioned AI can reflect on the past to not repeat the same mistakes, as this is very similar to humans. You further explain how memory is more meaningful than a few remembrances of the past. I agree with you as every memory we have is connected with some kind of emotion something that AI still does not have. Memories also make us who we are and give us a unique personality but as you mentioned AI will not have that because it is we who create them. I personally believe in the future AI will also be capable of having emotions, which is scary to think about. Overall, your blog effectively explained the difference in memories of Humans and artificial intelligence. This was also a unique topic and I loved reading about it.

  2. Hi Danial, I found your topic to be very unique. It is simple to just automatically push away the concept of AI being able to have memories, as they are not human. It is very insightful to explore the concept of AI and memories because for artificial intelligence to produce human actions seem ludicrous. I agree that "memory is a much deeper concept." AI is not able to experience certain human characteristics of life, we can feel innumerable emotions. Your reasoning made me realize how special humans are and how we carry traits, unlike AI. I do believe that with AI evolving, emotions can possibly be something they can develop, and that scares me. I really enjoyed reading your blog because it opened my mind to possibilities I never really thought deeply about until now.

  3. Hi, Danial. The introduction of your blog clearly opened into the important concept of memory related to AI. Also, the question you brought up, “does artificial intelligence have memories,” was thought-provoking and transitioned well into your discussion of emotional memory. The topic was an interesting and unique idea that can get philosophical. In addition, your exploration of the idea of memory led to another interesting statement: that since AI “is created by humans through code,” they are “incapable of having its own unique personality and thus, incapable of truly having emotional memory.”

  4. Hey Danial,
    I like how you begin your blog by providing the definition of memory and asking the question of whether AI has memory. I believe that it does not. Memories are more than just a recollection of the past. Artificial intelligence has the ability to access data from the past. However, this data has no emotion or experience behind it. Memories are what shape humans, not data. Like you said, the concept of memory is much deeper than a “simple recollection of the past.” As humans, we are filled by various emotions that construct our lives. At least to my knowledge, artificial intelligence has no personality of its own because it cannot remember what it is told, it simply accesses data. Thank you for writing this blog!


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